Information about Biotech Xchange

How it works

How does it work?

Our members can access a wide selection from multiple sources on one platform. Via the platform, our providers offer a variety of methods, products, and evidence-based 3Rs techniques that can help lab animal facility managers and researchers to achieve their goals. 

Search & discover

Discover 3R solutions and characteristics of providers, read user opinions and get in touch easily and securely with one click. Advanced search filters help you quickly find the necessary product or information.


Easily compare details and analyse features. The detailed view of each listing provides all the information you need to know about a provider and their solution. You can also find out if they offer services in your area.  

Get connected

You can use our platform to get in touch with providers, request quotes and compare offers. Our team is here to help you every step of the way!

Custom solutions

Are you working on a new method, protocol, product or database? We can help you with creating custom solutions and help bring these innovations into the laboratory animal science community.

Invite only

The platform is invite-only, which ensures that only serious and committed users have access. This then helps to create a community of users that are committed to finding and sharing the best 3R techniques, methods, products or services.

How to become a member?

As a member, you will have access to the platform and can start using it immediately. You can also list your products, services or methods on the platform. 

To become a member, please send an email to:
or fill in the contact formYour membership request will be reviewed and confirmed by our team. 

What does it cost to use the platform?

There is a monthly fee depending on the membership package. Please contact us for more information. Email: or fill in the contact form.